Sunday, June 10, 2012

Do over, I think not...

Too cool for words.  A fully restored 1934 BMW R7 concept bike.  Imagine if they had actually been able to build IT rather than aircraft engines during the 30's and 40's.  I bet it sounds as cool as it looks.

The thought about what might have been I made; imagine putting all our screw-ups into what might have been land and fixing them so that we could look at how things would have worked out IF we had not screwed them up so superbly.  I was talking about this the other night with my wife, focussing on one particular screw-up of mine that occurred in 2006.  I talked about the choice I had, the direction I took and the final reason I did it, and when I was all done, I thought I would leave it all the same even if I could do it all over.  I learned a lot though the time that followed that decision, and I don't think I would be benefitted far above where I find myself today if I did.  God's plan for me was played out the way it was for a reason, discomfort included.  Not sure it applies to the bike above but it does make you wonder.

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