Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Real pride

My youngest son came to me with a bit of what seemed to be bad news this afternoon when I picked him up from gym practice.  He said that his coach had informed him that his move up two levels, from 5 to 7, was going to be amended to a singled level move to level 6.  As he said the words I began to think about his recent frustrations with his own progress and I started formulating a word salve to use on his bruised ego.  He continued saying that he was pretty bummed out about it at first (son, sometimes things don't go the way we hoped they woul...) and that he had spent a lot of his practice time mad about his situation (but sometimes we take too big of a bite from our plate of challenges and we need to step bac...) and then he said the word BUT (what?).  He paused a moment (my wheels were in neutral but continuing to spin) and said, that by the end of the session he was okay with it, disappointed, but okay.  His coach took several minutes at the end of practice to explain his decision, after letting it sink in to his young mind (well played coach).  He said he felt it was better to remove some of the stress and allow him to focus on growing, and that he would reevaluate his level at the season mid-point.  (yeah son, that's sometimes the way things go, especially when the coach is looking out for your interests instead of) And that 's when he said these words, "I told coach that nothing happens without God wanting it to happen, and that His plan is always the best.  I told him I was okay with what happened."  (fighting back tears....   pumped up on prednizsone and pride... ) Some of this is really sticking with him was my first thought.  He is understanding God's providence was my second.  Dang, I wish I could be more like my son, was my third.

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