Friday, June 15, 2012

Life on Prednasone

So 2 days ago I had to go back on prednasone, my allergies were kicked into high gear by some environmental aspects in a classroom in which I have to pend the next two and a half weeks.  I was absolutely miserable, but I was totally not wanting to call my doctor because I knew he was going to use the word I dread, prednasone.  Now understand, the stuff works, in fact within just a few short hours I could feel my histamines shutting down, prednasone is a miracle drug.  The thing about it that I hate is that it makes life almost unmanageable.  The best way I can describe how prednasone makes me feel is to ask you to imagine what spawn would come from crossing a species with the attention span of a 16 year old male, the energy level of that hyperactive squirrel in the movie "Over the Hedge," and for good measure throw in the communication skills of one of those lawyer-talk-disclosure-statement-giving-advertisement-announcer guys.  Ugly thought isn't it?  Well that's where I am right now.  I'm locked in a class with a bunch of teachers as the spawn of the afore mentioned unnatural combination above while being asked to think in an analytic and, get this, coherent way.  (You laugh, but if you saw how many times I have used spell check and grammar correct in this short paragraph you'd probably laugh harder.)  6 more days, I have just 6 more days....  Help.

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