Thursday, June 28, 2012

Help me to understand.... What now?

I was so sure, so certain how this would end, how all this would come to a close and how from this end we as a nation would go forward.  I was wrong.  I feel lost.  I am at a loss for what to say.  I am sitting here questioning all I know and understand about the rule of law.  As I write this the words are still sinking into my consciousness,"...the Court has upheld the legislation including the individual mandate..."  This will take a while to really sink in, when it does I fear that I will be unable to recall these feelings and thoughts so I put them down now.

No authority on Earth or in the heavens is there unless by God's will.
All things are planned to one end, that is to bring glory to God.
Love people, by this they will know.
The ways of the Lord are too wise for man to understand, though it is His promise to
     give us the understand that we need as the moment arrises.

I have lived through things I did not understand, I have even through them flourished.
I need not know why in every instance.
There are thing that I do know right now, and these things I will hold onto right now.

This is not a surprise to God.