As a believer in Christ, my purpose is explained in the 1st question and answer of the Westminster Shorter Catechism.... What is the chief end of man? To glorify God and enjoy Him forever.
As a Husband to my wife, my purpose is clearly explained in Ephesians chapter 3.... Love her, as Christ loved the church, giving Himself for her even unto death. Oh, how I love her.
As a father my purpose is clearly given throughout the Proverbs. To raise my children in fear and reverence of the Lord and to cultivate in them wisdom which flows from my own growing understanding of God's amazing word. To love, encourage and correct them in love and in the light of God's calling given to each father. To love them when they are triumphant and when they fail. To love their mother, giving constant witness of that love to them.
As a teacher.... that is where I now find myself immersed in a quagmire of confusion. All that I do has fallen before closed eyes and ears. Mercy seems an outcast and Wisdom seems a stranger in schools today. How do I hold on to my purpose when all that I have ever used to muster myself to the call seems to be valueless to those to whom I call out?
Revive me, oh God. I have no strength to fight. Revive me....