Sunday, January 9, 2011

Why are We Here?

(Why do we do what we do?)

It’s a new year and I sometimes find myself sitting around wondering where the previous year picked up speed and passed me on its way to a final hurrah.  My dad once told me that time would seem to speed up as my years added up, I thought him foolish at the time, but now as middle-age surrounds me fully in its tightening grip, I find his words both prophetic, wise and encouraging.  His words came to me last week as I sat around watching my children and my nephews roaming about the property.  He’d say, “Don’t close your eyes too long as you get older son, you’ll miss too much.”  I think about my dad a lot these days because he is so far away from me.  It’s not the distance that separates us; you see, my dad is in the throws of progressive memory loss due to Alzheimer’s.  It started a few years ago with simple repeating of details during discussions and has now gotten to a point where he remembers things from 20 and 30 years ago better than he remembers the previous hour.

(Have you talked to someone about Him recently?)

That’s where the encouraging part comes in.  I know most folks wouldn’t take a father stricken with Alzheimer’s as encouraging, but I can.  You see my father is already saved; he gave his heart to the Lord back in the mid 70’s.  I can’t pinpoint the exact day, but I remember the period.  I remember when he and mom were on fire for Jesus and the church.  I remember seeing the change in their lives.  Sure, they changed a lot as their lives went on, there was and still is some bitterness that crept into their lives, but Jesus promised us that once we are His nothing could remove us from His hand.  And so I am encouraged, because if I had waited to talk to him about Jesus till the time was right, I would have failed…. it would be too late, because he’s not there anymore.

(Do you have a missed-opportunity regret in your past?)

A friend challenged our chapter last month; he gave us each an index card to put a number on.  That number was the number of people we helped lead to salvation through Christ last year.  That number is sitting on my shaving mirror and everyday I am faced with reality of the effort I put forth for the kingdom of God last year; and I have to tell you, some mornings it’s all I can do to stand there for the few minutes it takes to brush up for the day.  I closed my eyes too much last year, and for that matter, for the past few years.  I don’t want that to be my legacy, I don’t want to stand before Christ having to answer the question, “what have you done with the talents I gave you?” by saying the number on that card.

(What would you do with your card?)

So what are we here for?  Why do we surround ourselves with reminders of our Christianity?  Why are we a part of a church?  Our answer must be centered on one thing; to be instruments focused on bringing the good news of salvation through Christ to the world.  That’s it; there is no other reason for the existence of the church.  As we go through each day that we have left, we have fewer and fewer days left to share the gospel with the lost, so when you look at the percentage of time, my dad was right, time will begin to “go” faster.  Why did I waste so much time these past few years?  Did you?  I heard a definition for insanity once: The act of doing the same thing again and again while expecting something different to occur.  If nothing changes, nothing will change.  If I don’t make evangelism THE priority that number on my mirror won’t change, and that is not an acceptable outcome.

(Why are we here?)

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