Thursday, October 11, 2012

Beautiful Ride

    What an amazing change in the air this morning.  I noticed a little of it first thing Sunday morning before the Chrome Diva's poker run, a little sniff of coolness.  Yesterday I went out the back door with all intentions of riding, but the fog was so thick that I could hardly see the workshop from my back porch.  TODAY however... how wonderful, how marvelous, how glorious was the crisp dry morning air.  The morning stars looked as though they were dressing up for a party.  The air smelled so fresh and so clean, I thought I was in a Glade air-freshener commercial.  There was an ever so slight touch of coolness in the breeze, enough to warrant a thick shirt, but not cold in the least.

    I woke up feeling a bit sluggish, feeling the usual regrets of youth in the various joints of my body.  I wanted no part of breakfast.  Lacing up my boots felt like a Herculean task, but when I walked outside.... Oh My!

    The first 2-3 miles of the ride to work are on our rural lane and a 2 lane twisty, hilly, canopy style road.  That part of the ride was so amazing I almost turned a u-ey to do it all over again.  Something was definitely right about the ride.  Not only were the conditions wonderful, the traffic was nearly perfect.  The lights were nearly perfect in their timing, I had to stop once, and even then I didn't put my feet down because the light changed to green right away.  The 2 jerks who usually plague the route I take to work (one young teacher from Rickard's High in a silver Impala and a dangerously impatient tailgater from the Fort Braden area who drives a gold tone Malibu) were blessedly absent from the commute today.  It was toes in the wind the whole way to school.

    As I got to school the only thing that I could think of was the fact that tomorrow's forecast called for identical conditions.  I think I'll leave early tomorrow and take the LLLLLLOOOOOONNNNNGGGGG way to work.

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